It's Easy to Get Started
The steps below outline the process to install The Vertical Power System.
While Vertical Power can greatly simplify an aircraft electrical system, it is still a process that requires proper and thorough planning. The steps are summarized below and described in detail in the Installation Manuals (PPS and VP-X).
Vertical Power Installation Steps
Step 1 - Plan
Step 2 - Install
Install the Vertical Power components and wiring.
Step 3 - Configure
Configure the Vertical Power system.
Step 4 - Ground Test
Verify proper operation on the ground.
Step 5 - Flight Test
Verify proper operation in flight.

Create your Online Planner account.
Use the online VP-X Planner to plan the electrical “backbone” of your system, type of alternator(s), devices, loads, switch configurations, and other aspects of your aircraft wiring. This is the tool that will create the confituration file to load on to your VP-X.
For PPS installations, use the PPS Operating Manual and wiring diagrams to create a plan for your primary power wiring.
The Vertical Power VP-X Online Load Planning tool is designed to provide experimental builders with a framework for planning all phases of their electrical system. It's free and easy to use, with the following features:
- Build a custom configuration of avionics and devices.
- Create a simple customized electrical diagram, specific to your aircraft.
- Customized pinout diagram complements the Vertical Power installation manual.

Install the Vertical Power components and wiring.

Configure the Vertical Power system.

Ground Test.